Widespread Panic
Since 1981, Athens Georgia has never been the same. A perennial figure in the jam band circuit, Widespread Panic has reached an elite status with their mix of southern rock, blues, jazz, fusion, and psychedelia. It is also the inspiration for the eponymous moniker of this website.
Their members have included: John Bell, John “Jojo” Hermann, Todd Nance, Domingo Ortiz, Dave Schools, Jimmy Herring, Duane Trucks, Michael Houser, George McConnell, and T Lavitz.
2008 Widespread Panic - Los Angeles AE Silkscreen Concert Poster by Marq Spusta $ 450.00
2008 Widespread Panic - Los Angeles Silkscreen Concert Poster by Marq Spusta $ 600.00
2008 Widespread Panic - Milwaukee Concert Poster by Matt Leunig $ 100.00
2008 Widespread Panic - Milwaukee Variant Poster by Matt Leunig $ 135.00
2008 Widespread Panic - Myrtle Beach Silkscreen Concert Poster by Methane $ 100.00
2009 Widespread Panic & Allman Brothers - Birmingham Concert Poster by Jeff Wood $ 250.00
2010 Widespread Panic - Fall Tour Cocoa Variant Concert Poster by Marq Spusta $ 400.00
2010 Widespread Panic - Fall Tour Silkscreen Concert Poster by Marq Spusta $ 250.00
2010 Widespread Panic - Los Angeles Silkscreen Concert Poster by Michael Michael Motorcycle $ 65.00
2010 Widespread Panic - Milwaukee Silkscreen Concert Poster by Jeff Wood $ 125.00
2010 Widespread Panic - NYC Silkscreen Concert Poster by Chris Bilheimer $ 100.00
2010 Widespread Panic - Oakland AE Silkscreen Concert Poster by Marq Spusta $ 200.00
2010 Widespread Panic - Oakland Silkscreen Concert Poster by Marq Spusta $ 175.00
2011 Widespread Panic - Alpharetta Silkscreen Concert Poster by Jeff Wood $ 100.00
2011 Widespread Panic - Alta Silkscreen Concert Poster by Chris Bilheimer $ 65.00